Storyline: In the aftermath of Captain America Civil War 2016, Scott Lang grapples with the consequences of his choices as both a superhero and a father As he struggles to rebalance his home life with his responsibilities as Ant Man, hes confronted by Hope van Dyne and Dr Hank Pym with an urgent new mission Scott must once again put on the suit and learn to fight alongside The Wasp as the team works together to uncover secrets from their past
Kraven the Hunter (2 HD - 5.5 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 HDTS - N/A |
Gladiator II (2024) HD - 7.1 |
Mufasa The Lion King CAM - N/A |
Werewolves (2024) HD - N/A |
Red One (2024) HD - 6.8 |
The Order (2024) HD - 7.1 |
Moana 2 (2024) CAM - N/A |
Wicked (2024) CAM - N/A |
Venom The Last Dance HD - 6.1 |
How the Grinch Stole HD - 6.0 |
Tina and the Profess SD - 7.1 |
Y2K (2024) HD - N/A |
Diamond Heist (2012) HD - 2.9 |
The Six Triple Eight HD - N/A |
Gladiator II (2024) HD - 7.1 |
Moana 2 (2024) CAM - N/A |
Wicked (2024) CAM - N/A |
Red One (2024) HD - 6.8 |
Sidelined The QB and HD - N/A |
Kraven the Hunter (2 HD - 5.5 |
Venom The Last Dance HD - 6.1 |
Elevation (2024) HD - N/A |
Heretic (2024) HD - 7.1 |
Boss Maam (2024) HD - N/A |
Dear Santa (2024) HD - 5.3 |
Kabitan (2024) HD - N/A |
Smile 2 (2024) HD - 6.9 |
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 HDTS - N/A |
Armor (2024) HD - 3.6 |
Twisters (2024) HD - 7.1 |
The Beekeeper (2024) HD - 6.4 |
Kingdom of the Plane HD - 7.5 |
Inside Out 2 (2024) HD - 8.0 |
Despicable Me 4 (202 HD - 6.4 |
Aquaman and the Lost HD - 5.6 |
Bad Boys Ride or Die HD - 6.9 |
Civil War (2024) HD - 7.5 |
Longlegs (2024) HD - 7.2 |
Kung Fu Panda 4 (202 HD - 6.3 |
Beetlejuice Beetleju HD - N/A |
Godzilla x Kong The HD - 6.4 |
Trap (2024) HD - N/A |
Deadpool Wolverine ( HD - 7.9 |
Alien Romulus (2024) HD - 7.4 |