Watch Full Movie :Roughshod (1949)

Watch Roughshod (1949)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama

  3. Director: Mark Robson
  4. Starring: Robert Sterling, Gloria Grahame, Claude Jarman Jr., John Ireland
  1. Writers: Daniel Mainwaring, Hugo Butler, Peter Viertel

  2. Release date: 11 May 1949

  3. Countries: United States

  4. Languages: English

  5. Runtime: 88 min

  6.   6.7

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Storyline:  Roughshod (1949) Wrangler Clay Phillips and his young brother are taking horses to Sonora when they come across four dancehall girls heading the same way, stuck with a wrecked buggy. He takes the girls on to the nearest ranch, where it turns out one of the girls is the homesteader's wayward daughter. As he already has an escaped killer after him he is less than thrilled to have to take the remaining girls on with him. But it has to be said that Mary is damn easy on the eye.

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