Watch Full Movie :Momas Spirit (2016)

Watch Momas Spirit (2016)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Horror

  3. Director: Robert L. Parker III
  4. Starring: A. Michelle Harleston, Briana Bryan, Christiana Smith, Robert Parker IV
  1. Writers: Robert L Parker III

  2. Release date: 03 Mar 2018

  3. Countries: United States

  4. Languages: English

  5. Runtime: 80 min

  6.   2.8

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Storyline:  Momas Spirit (2016) Ms. Brenda try to keep Angel away from her talented son Cedric so he can have a future and decides to pay her to stay away. But all the while she still sneaks around to see Cedric. When Ms. Brenda dies of pneumonia, her spirit comes back later to haunt them after finding out they are together!

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