Watch Full Movie :EMotion (2014)

Watch EMotion (2014)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Documentary, News

  3. Director: Frazer Bailey
  4. Starring: Joseph Dispenza, Nassim Haramein, Ty Hungerford, Lauren A Jackson
  1. Writers: N/A

  2. Release date: N/A

  3. Countries: Australia, United Kingdom, United States

  4. Languages: English

  5. Runtime: 87 min

  6.   8.3

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Storyline:  EMotion (2014) E-Motion is a factual documentary that explores how human emotions affect the physiology of the human body and how once negative emotions are replaced with positive emotions bona fide physical changes occur. A team of emotion experts from around the world share their wisdom and negative emotion clearing methods to show humanity the path to health and enlightenment.

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