Watch Full Movie :The Investigator (2013)

Watch The Investigator (2013)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama, Family, Sport

  3. Director: Curtis Graham
  4. Starring: Brandon Larracuente, Fernando Martinez, Richard A Romano, Nicole Abisinio
  1. Writers: Richard A Romano

  2. Release date: 13 Sep 2013

  3. Countries: United States

  4. Languages: English

  5. Runtime: 101 min

  6.   5.5

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Storyline:  The Investigator (2013) Twenty year veteran investigator Sergeant James Buanacore (Wade Williams) starts the most important investigation of his life when a drug bust goes tragically bad. The death of the apparent suspect forces James out of the job he loves and into retirement. When James' wife Stephanie (Nicole Abisinio) has a miscarriage, he is devastated and begins to wonder about and question his previously strong faith. Depressed and angry, James isolates himself until his brother (David Sanborn) encourages him to take a job as a criminal justice teacher and baseball coach at a Christian high school. With his cop mentality challenging his students, James struggles through experiences with an unsupportive principal, a guidance counselor with a secret, and rebellious students. But when his best option seems to be quitting, a student challenges him to begin the investigation that will change his life, and those of his students, forever.

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