Watch Full Movie :The Host (2020)

Watch The Host (2020)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller

  3. Director: Andy Newbery
  4. Starring: Maryam Hassouni, Mike Beckingham, Dougie Poynter, Nigel Barber
  1. Writers: Finola Geraghty, Brendan Bishop, Laurence Lamers

  2. Release date: 17 Jan 2020

  3. Countries: Netherlands

  4. Languages: English

  5. Runtime: 102 min

  6.   3.7

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Storyline:  The Host (2020) A chance opportunity arises for Robert Atkinson, a London banker who risks his bank's money to leave the mundane behind and start a new life. To take advantage, he unwittingly signs up with...

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