Watch Full Movie :Phobia (1980)

Watch Phobia (1980)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller

  3. Director: John Huston
  4. Starring: Paul Michael Glaser, Susan Hogan, John Colicos, David Bolt
  1. Writers: Lew Lehman, Jimmy Sangster, Peter Bellwood

  2. Release date: 09 Sep 1980

  3. Countries: Canada

  4. Languages: English

  5. Runtime: 94 min

  6.   3.9

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Storyline:  Phobia (1980) A psychiatrist treats his patients - sufferers from agoraphobia, claustrophobia, acrophobia, a fear of snakes, and a fear of man - with radical therapy in which they confront their fears by watching them on a large screen. The result is that each patient is driven to commit violent acts, and each dies by what he most fears.

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