Watch Full Movie :Popi (1969)

Watch Popi (1969)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Comedy, Drama

  3. Director: Arthur Hiller
  4. Starring: Alan Arkin, Rita Moreno, Reuben Figueroa, Miguel Alejandro
  1. Writers: Tina Pine, Lester Pine

  2. Release date: 22 Oct 1969

  3. Countries: United States

  4. Languages: English

  5. Runtime: 113 min

  6.   6.8

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Storyline:  Popi (1969) Abraham is a Puerto Rican single parent with two boys. He is becoming very worried about them living in their run down neighborhood when one day he notices that Cubans who escape are lionized and given exceptional benefits. He thinks up a plot to have his sons washed ashore as cuban immigrants who will be adopted by rich anglos.

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