Watch Full Movie :LOUDER! Cant Hear What Youre Singin, Wimp! (2018)

Watch LOUDER! Cant Hear What Youre Singin, Wimp! (2018)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Comedy

  3. Director: Satoshi Miki
  4. Starring: Sadao Abe, Kumiko Aso, Yudai Chiba, Eri Fuse
  1. Writers: Satoshi Miki

  2. Release date: 12 Oct 2018

  3. Countries: Japan

  4. Languages: Japanese

  5. Runtime: 106 min

  6.   5.1

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Storyline:  LOUDER! Cant Hear What Youre Singin, Wimp! (2018) A super-loud singer is losing his voice due to his overuse of a super-loud voice-drug. Will a super-soft singer be able to help him somehow?

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