Watch Full Movie :Los años bárbaros (1998)

Watch Los años bárbaros (1998)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Adventure, Drama

  3. Director: Fernando Colomo
  4. Starring: Jordi Molla, Ernesto Alterio, Hedy Burress, Allison Smith
  1. Writers: Carlos Lopez, Jose Angel Esteban, Fernando Colomo

  2. Release date: 11 Sep 1998

  3. Countries: Spain, France

  4. Languages: Spanish, English, French

  5. Runtime: 120 min

  6.   6.5

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Storyline:  Los años bárbaros (1998) Two students are arrested for painting revolutionary graffiti on the university walls. They escape from the camp and flee with two American girls, disguised as rich young men who are showing Spain to two tourists.

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