Watch Full Movie :Lisistrata (2002)

Watch Lisistrata (2002)

  1. Quality: SD

  2. Genre: Comedy, Romance

  3. Director: Francesc Bellmunt
  4. Starring: Maribel Verdu, Juan Luis Galiardo, Javier Gurruchaga
  1. Writers: Aristophanes, Francesc Bellmunt, Ralf Konig

  2. Release date: 13 Sep 2002

  3. Countries: Spain

  4. Languages: Spanish, Catalan

  5. Runtime: 89 min

  6.   4.1

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Storyline:  Lisistrata 2002 411 BC, Sparta and Athens are in a endless war, but Lisistrata, a beautiful woman has an idea to stop the fight, and convinces all the women to do it no sex until there is peace 

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