Watch Full Movie :Palma (2021)

Watch Palma (2021)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama, Family

  3. Director: Aleksandr Domogarov
  4. Starring: Liliya, Viktor Dobronravov, Leonid Basov
  1. Writers: Aleksandr Domogarov, Evgeniy Kazachkov, Ekaterina Mavromatis

  2. Release date: 18 Mar 2021

  3. Countries: Russia

  4. Languages: Russian

  5. Runtime: 110 min

  6.   6.9

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Storyline:  Palma 2021 The film is inspired by an incredible story of a shepherd dog named Palm who was inadvertently left in the airport by her owner She befriends nine year old Nicholas whose mother dies leaving him with a father he barely knows a pilot who finds the dog at the airport Its a story of amazing adventures, true friendship and unconditional love 

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