Watch Full Movie :Beaux parents (2019)

Watch Beaux parents (2019)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Comedy

  3. Director: Hector Cabello Reyes
  4. Starring: Josiane Balasko, Didier Bourdon, Benabar
  1. Writers: Benabar, Hector Cabello Reyes

  2. Release date: 19 Jun 2019

  3. Countries: France

  4. Languages: French

  5. Runtime: 83 min

  6.   5.6

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Storyline:  Beaux parents 2019 A successful film with actors as accomplice as hilarious Benabar and Charlie Bruneau form an adorable couple while Didier Bourdon and Josiane Balasko are the almost perfect parents in law This is the second film directed by Hector Cabello Reyes knowing that 7 jours pas plus 2017 was clearly less accomplished In Beaux parents 2019, I particularly liked the Vaudeville dimension, with an incredible scene during which the husband hides his gorgeous paramour with his parents in law, together in the bathroom, because his wife arrives unexpectedly As a synthesis 56 of 10 

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