Watch Full Movie :See How They Fall (1994)

Watch See How They Fall (1994)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Crime, Drama

  3. Director: Jacques Audiard
  4. Starring: Jean Louis Trintignant, Jean Yanne, Mathieu Kassovitz
  1. Writers: Jacques Audiard, Alain Le Henry, Teri White

  2. Release date: 31 Aug 1994

  3. Countries: France

  4. Languages: French

  5. Runtime: 90 min

  6.   6.6

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Storyline:  See How They Fall 1994 Simon is a sales representative about fifty When Mickey, his cop friend, is being shot, he leaves everything to find the murderers Two years before, Marx, an old gambler, met Frederic, a young man that does not look very smart and started to follow him everywhere as a puppy and changed his name to Johnny to please Marx Of course, Simons story is related with Marx and Johnnys one But the thriller is only a pretext for a psychological description of the three main characters 

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