Watch Full Movie :Mao shan jiang shi quan (1979)

Watch Mao shan jiang shi quan (1979)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Action, Comedy, Fantasy

  3. Director: Chia Liang Liu
  4. Starring: Yue Wong, Cecilia Wong, Chia Hui Liu
  1. Writers: Kuang Ni

  2. Release date: 15 Feb 1979

  3. Countries: Hong Kong

  4. Languages: Mandarin

  5. Runtime: 97 min

  6.   6.7

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Storyline:  Mao shan jiang shi quan 1979 Acclaimed director Liu Chia liang directs his brothers Gordon Liu Chia hui and Liu Chia yung in a wild and crazy ghostly film in this heralded sequel to The Spiritual Boxer 

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