Watch Full Movie :Power Alley (2023)

Watch Power Alley (2023)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama, Sport

  3. Director: Lillah Halla
  4. Starring: Loro Bardot, Onna Silva, Heloisa Pires
  1. Writers: Lillah Halla, Maria Elena Moran

  2. Release date: 06 Dec 2023

  3. Countries: Brazil, France, Uruguay

  4. Languages: Spanish, Portuguese

  5. Runtime: 99 min

  6.   N/A

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Storyline:  Power Alley 2023 On the eve of a volleyball championship decisive for her future as an athlete, 17 year old Sofia discovers an unwanted pregnancy In an attempt to interrupt it clandestinely, she ends up becoming the target of a fundamentalist group 

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