Watch Full Movie :Fatal Contact Bird Flu in America (2006)

Watch Fatal Contact Bird Flu in America (2006)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi

  3. Director: Richard Pearce
  4. Starring: Joely Richardson, Scott Cohen, Justina Machado
  1. Writers: Ron McGee

  2. Release date: 09 May 2006

  3. Countries: New Zealand, United States

  4. Languages: English

  5. Runtime: 83 min

  6.   4.9

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Storyline:  Fatal Contact Bird Flu in America 2006 A highly contagious, rapidly killing hemorrhagic mutation of bird flu slaughters people in Hongkong Preventing its spread is virtually hopeless, as soon is proved in a US country village, which is strictly quarantined by the military The White House prefers to prevent panic, even overrules zealous governor Mike Newsome and reneges earlier emergency plans 

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