Watch Full Movie :The Bat (1926)

Watch The Bat (1926)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Mystery, Thriller

  3. Director: Roland West
  4. Starring: George Beranger, Charles Herzinger, Emily Fitzroy
  1. Writers: Avery Hopwood, Julien Josephson, George Marion Jr

  2. Release date: 21 Mar 1926

  3. Countries: United States

  4. Languages: English

  5. Runtime: 86 min

  6.   6.5

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Storyline:  The Bat 1926 A master crook, known as The Bat because of his disguise, announces a jewel theft in advance but is foiled by a rival crook at the scene of the crime Their trail leads to the Courtleigh Fleming estate, now leased to Cornelia Van Gorder, a wealthy spinster The reported death of banker Fleming and the disappearance of Brooks Bailey, a young cashier in love with Dale Miss Van Gorders niece, add to the complications of a 200,000 bank robbery Brooks, masquerading as a gardener, remains concealed in the house, hoping to unravel the mystery Lizzie, a servant, suspects everyone, including Dr Wells, the butler, and Detective Moletti The Bat, who has killed Moletti and is impersonating him, is finally captured in a bear trap 

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