Watch Full Movie :Kabahat (2022)

Watch Kabahat (2022)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama

  3. Director: Umran Safter
  4. Starring: Isil Acaray, Mina Demirtas, Ece Demirturk
  1. Writers: Umran Safter

  2. Release date: 14 Sep 2022

  3. Countries: Turkey

  4. Languages: Turkish

  5. Runtime: 84 min

  6.   N/A

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Storyline:  Kabahat 2022 Reyhan, raised in a religious family, arrives at her grandmothers house in a conservative Central Anatolian village, to spend her summer holidays She has just had her first period and dreads the consequences of being unable to p 

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