Watch Full Movie :Story of G I Joe (1945)

Watch Story of G I Joe (1945)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Biography, Drama, War

  3. Director: William A Wellman
  4. Starring: Burgess Meredith, Robert Mitchum, Freddie Steele
  1. Writers: Leopold Atlas, Guy Endore, Philip Stevenson

  2. Release date: 13 Jul 1945

  3. Countries: United States

  4. Languages: English, Italian

  5. Runtime: 108 min

  6.   7.2

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Storyline:  Story of G I Joe 1945 The story of men at war and that of the esteemed Pulitzer prize winning war correspondent Ernie Pyle Soon after the U S entry into World War II, Pyle joined C Company, 18th Infantry in North Africa There he got to know the men and often wrote about them in his columns mentioning them by name, something both the soldiers and their families back home appreciated Pyle moved to other units but as C Company is the first he went into combat with, he considers them his company and rejoins them in Italy Many will die but his reporting brings a human face to war 

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