Watch Full Movie :Night of the Blood Beast (1958)

Watch Night of the Blood Beast (1958)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Horror, Sci-Fi

  3. Director: Bernard L Kowalski
  4. Starring: Michael Emmet, Angela Greene, John Baer
  1. Writers: Gene Corman, Martin Varno

  2. Release date: 01 Aug 1958

  3. Countries: United States

  4. Languages: English

  5. Runtime: 62 min

  6.   3.5

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Storyline:  Night of the Blood Beast 1958 An astronaut returns from space dead The base that recovered him is then cut off from the outside world by an alien The revival of the dead astronaut, the death of a scientist, and the discovery of alien embryos inside the resurrected astronauts body bodes ill for the survival of those trapped at the base and the rest of humanity 

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