Watch Full Movie :Electra One (1967)

Watch Electra One (1967)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime

  3. Director: Alfonso Balcazar
  4. Starring: George Martin, Vivi Bach, Klausjurgen Wussow, Rosalba Neri
  1. Writers: Alfonso Balcazar, Giovanni Simonelli, Jose Antonio de la Loma

  2. Release date: 17 Oct 1967

  3. Countries: Italy, France, Spain

  4. Languages: Italian

  5. Runtime: 86 min

  6.   5.3

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Storyline:  Electra One (1967) A criminal organization led by a man named Elektra has found a serum capable of unleashing aggressive to anyone who furnishes. Aware of the news, the Soviet and American governments decide to join forces to stop the dangerous threat.

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