Watch Full Movie :La llamada (1965)

Watch La llamada (1965)

  1. Quality: SD

  2. Genre: Drama, Romance, Horror

  3. Director: Javier Seto
  4. Starring: Emilio Gutierrez Caba, Carlos Lemos, Paco Moran, Tota Alba
  1. Writers: John Davis Hart, Paulino Rodrigo Diaz, Javier Seto

  2. Release date: 23 Jun 1966

  3. Countries: Spain

  4. Languages: Spanish

  5. Runtime: 88 min

  6.   6.7

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Storyline:  La llamada (1965) Pablo is in love with Dominique, whom he wants to marry. The girl leads them to a cemetery, where she convinces Pablo that should either of them die, the other will return and help them prepare for the afterlife. She leaves Madrid on a vacation in Bretagna, and dies en route. Pablo receives a call the next day. It is Dominique.

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