Watch Full Movie :Stormswept (1995)

Watch Stormswept (1995)

  1. Quality: SD

  2. Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery

  3. Director: David I Frazer
  4. Starring: Justin Carroll, Kathleen Kinmont, Melissa Moore, Julie Hughes
  1. Writers: David I Frazer, Svetlana Mischoff

  2. Release date: 01 Oct 1995

  3. Countries: United States

  4. Languages: English

  5. Runtime: 93 min

  6.   3.4

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Storyline:  Stormswept (1995) On a stormy night in Louisiana, six people are haunted by the spirit of a demented slave master with an insatiable erotic appetite, as they stay trapped inside a haunted mansion by a thunderstorm.

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