Watch Full Movie :The Fire Within (1963)

Watch The Fire Within (1963)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama

  3. Director: Louis Malle
  4. Starring: Maurice Ronet, Lena Skerla, Yvonne Clech, Hubert Deschamps
  1. Writers: Pierre Drieu La Rochelle, Louis Malle

  2. Release date: 07 Oct 1966

  3. Countries: France

  4. Languages: French

  5. Runtime: 108 min

  6.   8.0

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Storyline:  The Fire Within (1963) Alain Leroy is having a course of treatment in a private hospital because of his problem with alcohol. Although he is constantly distressed, he leaves the hospital and tries to meet good old days' friends. None of them will be helpful, increasing Alain's distress.

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