Watch Full Movie :Monday Morning (2002)

Watch Monday Morning (2002)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance

  3. Director: Otar Iosseliani
  4. Starring: Jacques Bidou, Anne Kravz Tarnavsky, Narda Blanchet, Radslav Kinski
  1. Writers: Otar Iosseliani

  2. Release date: 20 Feb 2002

  3. Countries: France, Italy

  4. Languages: French, Italian, Romanian

  5. Runtime: 120 min

  6.   6.8

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Storyline:  Monday Morning (2002) A story told quietly of Vincent a welder at a large and seemingly toxic plant along the Rhône, living in a village with his sons, wife, and mother, saying little to each other. Vincent paints; some of what he sees is artifice. The sounds are of trains, boats, factory horns, and people singing. Men watch women, sometimes priests join in the looking, sometimes not. A crocodile appears in a garden. With money his father gives him, Vincent takes a journey to Venice. He sees the city from a roof top, the view is a gift from a friend. One of his sons hang-glides with a girl friend. Vincent comes home to go back to work. What is it to taste wine and to be alive?

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