Watch Full Movie :Anna (2015)

Watch Anna (2015)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama

  3. Director: Giuseppe M Gaudino
  4. Starring: Valeria Golino, Massimiliano Gallo, Adriano Giannini, Elisabetta Mirra
  1. Writers: Giuseppe M Gaudino, Isabella Sandri, Lina Sarti

  2. Release date: 17 Sep 2015

  3. Countries: Italy, France

  4. Languages: Italian

  5. Runtime: 110 min

  6.   5.9

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Storyline:  Anna (2015) Anna, mother of three, has lived for forty years in her corner of hell. She was an impertinent and unfortunate girl, but by now she has become a generous woman, perhaps far too tolerant. She is a prisoner of her own duties and of her family. She is comforted by underprivileged "poor little souls", but is actually surrounded by many demons, real and imaginary.

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