Watch Full Movie :Seven Hills of Rome (1957)

Watch Seven Hills of Rome (1957)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama, Musical, Romance

  3. Director: Roy Rowland
  4. Starring: Mario Lanza, Renato Rascel, Marisa Allasio, Peggie Castle
  1. Writers: Giuseppe Amato, Art Cohn, Giorgio Prosperi

  2. Release date: 30 Jan 1958

  3. Countries: Italy, United States

  4. Languages: English, Italian

  5. Runtime: 107 min

  6.   5.9

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Storyline:  Seven Hills of Rome (1957) On a train to Rome, the American singer Marc Revere meets the Italian Raffaela. He notices that she intends to work and live at her uncle's. When he gives her a ride, it turns out that said uncle has moved to South America. So Revere offers her to live with him at his cousin's, an impecunious pianist.

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