Watch Full Movie :Clash (1984)

Watch Clash (1984)

  1. Quality: SD

  2. Genre: Horror

  3. Director: Raphael Delpard
  4. Starring: Catherine Alric, Pierre Clementi, Bernard Fresson, Vjenceslav Kapural
  1. Writers: Raphael Delpard

  2. Release date: 08 Feb 1984

  3. Countries: France, Yugoslavia

  4. Languages: French

  5. Runtime: 92 min

  6.   4.9

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Storyline:  Clash (1984) A young woman has to take some dirty money to an abandoned warehouse and wait for a couple of gangsters to join here. Alone in this isolated place, she's suddenly accompanied by a man who's come to open the doors to other places...

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