Watch Full Movie :The Eschatrilogy Book of the Dead (2012)

Watch The Eschatrilogy Book of the Dead (2012)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Fantasy, Horror

  3. Director: Damian Morter
  4. Starring: Stuart Wolfenden, Sarah Jane Honeywell, Damian Morter
  1. Writers: Damian Morter

  2. Release date: 19 Feb 2014

  3. Countries: United Kingdom

  4. Languages: English

  5. Runtime: 103 min

  6.   4.5

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Storyline:  The Eschatrilogy Book of the Dead 2012 A dark figure appears in the night, bringing with him a virus that turns people into monsters Hoping to gather stories to take back with him to the other side, he meets his opposite, a light figure prepared to do battle with the dark man in order to save the human race 

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