Watch Full Movie :Rosetta (1999)

Watch Rosetta (1999)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama

  3. Director: Jean Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne
  4. Starring: Emilie Dequenne, Fabrizio Rongione, Anne Yernaux
  1. Writers: Jean Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne

  2. Release date: 22 Sep 1999

  3. Countries: France, Belgium

  4. Languages: French

  5. Runtime: 95 min

  6.   7.5

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Storyline:  Rosetta 1999 The first scene, like almost all others, is a fighting scene A girl, about 18, is sacked from her factory work because her trial period is over The girl, Rosetta, is quite upset and the cops will have to arrive to get her out She has her reasons she lives in a caravan, with her alcoholic mother She goes looking for work as some go to the war Treasons, murders are in her mind, if not in her acts 

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