Watch Full Movie :Double Suicide of Sonezaki (1978)

Watch Double Suicide of Sonezaki (1978)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Crime, Drama, Romance

  3. Director: Yasuzo Masumura
  4. Starring: Meiko Kaji, Ryudo Uzaki, Hisashi Igawa
  1. Writers: Monzaemon Chikamatsu, Yasuzo Masumura, Yoshio Shirasaka

  2. Release date: 24 Aug 1979

  3. Countries: Japan

  4. Languages: Japanese

  5. Runtime: 112 min

  6.   6.7

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Storyline:  Double Suicide of Sonezaki 1978 A rich merchant gives his clerk an I O U instead of wages When the impoverished clerk presents the paper to the merchant at the agreed upon time asking for payment, the man flies into a rage and pretends he never wrote it and claims the clerk is trying to defraud him 

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