Watch Full Movie :Stop Zemlia (2021)

Watch Stop Zemlia (2021)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama

  3. Director: Kateryna Gornostai
  4. Starring: Maria Fedorchenko, Arsenii Markov, Yana Isaienko
  1. Writers: Kateryna Gornostai

  2. Release date: 20 Jan 2022

  3. Countries: Ukraine

  4. Languages: Ukrainian, English, Italian, Russian

  5. Runtime: 122 min

  6.   7.6

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Storyline:  Stop Zemlia 2021 An introverted high school girl Masha sees herself as an outsider unless she hangs around with Yana and Senia who share her non conformist status While she is trying to navigate through an intense time of the pre graduation year, Masha falls in love that forces her to leave her comfort zone From a debutant Ukrainian director Kateryna Gornostai, a deeply personal story about self discovery and the patience it requires 

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