Watch Full Movie :About Her Brother (2010)

Watch About Her Brother (2010)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama

  3. Director: Yoji Yamada
  4. Starring: Sayuri Yoshinaga, Tsurube Shofukutei, Yu Aoi
  1. Writers: Emiko Hiramatsu, Yoji Yamada

  2. Release date: 30 Jan 2010

  3. Countries: Japan

  4. Languages: Japanese

  5. Runtime: 126 min

  6.   6.9

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Storyline:  About Her Brother 2010 Ginko seems to be living the good life Shes the respectable owner of a neighborhood drug store in Tokyo, and her daughter Koharu is about to get married to a doctor However, Koharus wedding day also brings homes Ginkos younger brother Tetsuro, a failed actor and a hard drinker who shows up causing trouble Having covered for him all her life, Ginko is ready to disown her burdensome younger brother, but some things are easier said than done 

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