Watch Full Movie :The Student Nurses (1970)

Watch The Student Nurses (1970)

  1. Quality: SD

  2. Genre: Drama

  3. Director: Stephanie Rothman
  4. Starring: Elaine Giftos, Karen Carlson, Brioni Farrell
  1. Writers: Stephanie Rothman, Don Spencer, Charles S Swartz

  2. Release date: 27 Aug 1970

  3. Countries: United States

  4. Languages: English

  5. Runtime: 89 min

  6.   5.3

Storyline:  The Student Nurses (1970) The adventures of four sexy young women living together in California and studying to be nurses. One falls for a poet with a terminal illness; one takes acid and becomes pregnant; another becomes involved with Hispanic revolutionaries; one has an affair with a gynecologist.

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