Watch Full Movie :Xing kong (2011)

Watch Xing kong (2011)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama, Fantasy

  3. Director: Tom Lin
  4. Starring: Jiao Xu, Hui Min Lin, Rene Liu
  1. Writers: Jimmy Liao, Tom Lin

  2. Release date: 03 Nov 2011

  3. Countries: Taiwan, China, Hong Kong

  4. Languages: Mandarin, Min Nan

  5. Runtime: 99 min

  6.   6.9

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Storyline:  Xing kong (2011) 12-year-old Mei grew up with her grandparents in the mountains, but now lives with her parents in the city. Her parents constantly fight and she ignored at home. Mei withdraws into her own world and imagination.

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