Watch Full Movie :Jue zhan cha ma zhen (2010)

Watch Jue zhan cha ma zhen (2010)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Western

  3. Director: Weiran Li
  4. Starring: Bei Er Bao, Bingkun Cao, Yuen Che
  1. Writers: Weiran Li, Zhi Yong Zhou

  2. Release date: 22 Jun 2010

  3. Countries: China

  4. Languages: Chinese, English

  5. Runtime: 104 min

  6.   5.6

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Storyline:  Shama Town has a legend of buried treasures around the town When the town leader decides to promote Shama Town as a tourist destination, it unfortunately only attracts a gang of international thieves intent on finding the buried treasures

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