Watch Full Movie :Crying Fist (2005)

Watch Crying Fist (2005)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama, Sport

  3. Director: Seung wan Ryoo
  4. Starring: Min sik Choi, Seung bum Ryoo, Kil kang Ahn, Jeong ah Bae
  1. Writers: Cheol Hong Jeon, Ryoo Seung wan

  2. Release date: 01 Apr 2005

  3. Countries: South Korea

  4. Languages: Korean

  5. Runtime: 134 min

  6.   7.4

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Storyline:  Crying Fist (2005) Kang Tae Sik is a 43-year-old former silver medalist boxer. He now spends his days hawking himself as a human punching bag to passersby in a shopping district in Seoul and other times hiding from various loan sharks. His wife wants a divorce and is threatening to take take their own only son with her. Yoo Sang Hwan is a troubled youth, who was only recently released from prison. Sang Hwan robbed and beat up his elderly neighbor in an attempt to pay off his debts. While in prison, a guard recommended Sang Hwan take up boxing as a way to release his aggression. Now, with his father having passed away, his mother's whereabouts unknown and his grandmother just having a stroke, Sang Hwan is desperate. An amateur boxing competition takes place, providing hope for these two men. They will meet in the ring.

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