Watch Full Movie :Blood for Blood (1971)

Watch Blood for Blood (1971)

  1. Quality: SD

  2. Genre: Action, Crime

  3. Director: Yasuharu Hasebe
  4. Starring: Jo Shishido, Makoto Sato, Meiko Kaji
  1. Writers: Hideichi Nagahara

  2. Release date: 10 Jun 1971

  3. Countries: Japan

  4. Languages: Japanese

  5. Runtime: 86 min

  6.   6.1

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Storyline:  Blood for Blood 1971 A uniformly excellent, no no nonsense, straightforward yakuza sage This also has one of underrated and comparatively unknown in the west composer Kaburagis most exciting and memorable scores, a testament to just how much can add to a storys already intoxicating momentum and suspense 

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