Watch Full Movie :Sunshine Follows Rain (1946)

Watch Sunshine Follows Rain (1946)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Drama, Romance

  3. Director: Gustaf Edgren
  4. Starring: Mai Zetterling, Alf Kjellin, Sten Lindgren, Hilda Borgstrom
  1. Writers: Margit Soderholm, Gustaf Edgren, Gardar Sahlberg

  2. Release date: 26 Dec 1946

  3. Countries: Sweden

  4. Languages: Swedish

  5. Runtime: 102 min

  6.   6.6

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Storyline:  Sunshine Follows Rain (1946) 19th century in the north of Sweden. A story of forbidden love between farmer's daughter Marit and Jon, the scorned result of an extramarital affair between a girl Marit's father Germund once loved and a gypsy fiddle player. Germund warns his daughter not to have any contact with Jon but it's no use when Jon rescues her from being raped one night.

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