Watch Full Movie :Io, mammeta e tu (1958)

Watch Io, mammeta e tu (1958)

  1. Quality: HD

  2. Genre: Comedy

  3. Director: Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia
  4. Starring: Marisa Merlini, Renato Salvatori, Rossella Como, Domenico Modugno
  1. Writers: Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia, Sandro Continenza, Ugo Guerra

  2. Release date: 20 Mar 1958

  3. Countries: Italy

  4. Languages: Italian

  5. Runtime: 86 min

  6.   6.0

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Storyline:  Io, mammeta e tu (1958) In 1950s Naples (more Italian than Italy itself), a couple struggles to be together against, you guessed it, the will of the mother-in-law. in the end, not only they will be together, but the mother-in-law to be, a widow, finds love as well, although the guy will have pass the mother-in-law's own mother scrutiny.

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